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Looking to step up your career?

You’ve come to the right place. Explore our open roles to become a part of a purposeful, dynamic and fearless team working towards innovative solutions







Our values

Achieve nothing less than superb.
Icon of Supermarket Cart
Be a customer
We are customers and creators. We recognize and understand our customer needs to create a better service
Icon of Keys
Be an owner
We think like owners and act like owners. Whatever our role at CAFU, we are all accountable
Icon of Light Bulb
Be forever curious
We think like there is no box and connect invisible dots
Icon of 2 Hands and a Heart
Impact & serve communities
We create opportunities that drive the growth and development of our communities
Icon of 3 points connected in a triangle format
Move with purpose together
We collaborate as if our lives depend on it


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Ready to work at CAFU?

Find out how you can make an impact. See the latest opportunities for you to be part of a collaborative culture of curiosity, growth, and impact.
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Life at CAFU

Our company is made up of teams that innovate and focus on problem solving on a daily. If you're up for the challenge and looking for an optimistic, engaged, and deeply mission-driven company and culture — you've found your people.
Explore opportunities to join some of the brightest, boldest, and best people we know working together on a problem worth solving.
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